Growing Information
Daffodils are very adaptable and can be grown in almost any garden situation. They prefer full sun during Winter but will tolerate partial shade for part of the day. Daffodils can be grown in pots, rock gardens, naturalised along driveways, in lawns or clumped under deciduous trees. They can be left undisturbed for several years and grow best in cool climates with adequate rainfall and good drainage.
Daffodil bulbs are planted in Autumn (March/April), when the soil has cooled sufficiently, for Winter/Spring flowering. The soil should be well cultivated prior to planting and as the bulbs are so hardy they can usually be grown without fertilizer. However, if there is a need, they do respond well to a good commercial bulb fertilizer high in potash rather than nitrogen worked into the soil before planting. Too much nitrogen in the soil will encourage leafy growth and give fewer flowers.
Plant bulbs 12 cm. deep and 10 – 15 cms. apart. Natural rainfall will suffice, however it is almost impossible to over- water bulbs once the leaves are through the ground. Do not water the bulbs in Summer. Bulbs can be top dressed with complete fertilizer in March each year.
When flowering has finished, allow the leaves to wither naturally. Do not cut the leaves even though they may look a bit unsightly as this is the time when the embryo flower forms for the next year.
Generally the bulbs will last many years in the one spot if the growing conditions are good. Potted bulbs should be lifted annually.
If holding bulbs in storage, brush clean them, check for any signs of rot or softness around the root area (basal rot), or any other damage and dispose of these. The bulbs should then be stored in a cool, dry, airy place until planting time.